Poster Design / Festival Branding / Signal Film Director & Designer / Keynote Presentation
After presenting a keynote presentation at the Toronto Arts and Animation Festival International, the organizers asked if I wanted to design the poster and create the signal film for the upcoming film festival. I was honoured, I was baffled, I was excited.
Much like the beginning of most of my projects, I started by taking a long look in the mirror and asking myself, "Joel, what's your favourite animal right now?" I landed on Australian Shepherd and the rest is history. Trade secrets revealed! END POST.
I really wanted to create something liquidy-funky with a bunch of fun little easter eggs for animators and designers, while still making a piece that a 6-year-old could look at and say "Mom, I want that as a tattoo when I'm old enough." My work was used to promote the festival on social media, press, festival branding, and silk-screened t-shirts and posters being sold during the event.
I generally start extremely rough, laying out any little gags or visual elements I think of as I go. I then dial back the opacity and just try drawing it over again with new and improved jokes and composition. Usually my 3rd and final pass is the most fun for me, as I am just really focusing on the line-work as I continue tightening. I always try to really think about readability, focal points and limiting my colour palette.
I teamed up with animator/musician mastermind, Spencer Moreland, to create the animated signal film that played before all of the screenings.
I was asked to be a speaker during one of Ottawa Design Clubs events. It was a ton of fun, and I loved being able to hang out with so many different types of creatives.